Video: What it’s like to drive a 525-horsepower, $163,000 exotic Audi R8 in a snowstorm

Driving a 525-horsepower, $163,000 exotic Audi R8 can be interesting in the best of times.

However when you add several feet of snow, super-sized snow tires, and a recent blinding blizzard the challenge gets even more interesting.

But what's Automobile Magazine columnist Ezra Dyer supposed to do when the snows-a-flying sideways, and he desperately needs to get a pair of holiday antlers for his dog.

FYI: He also seems to need a lot of important stuff from Bed Bath and Beyond.

If you are Dyer, and you have access to the newest all wheel drive 525-horsepower, $163,000 exotic Audi R8, the solution is simple.

Just watch the video below:

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