Almost 150,000 people test their car knowlege by taking video exhaust quiz


Last week featured this video quiz that tests a drivers knowledge of cars by just listening to the exhaust note.

Almost 150,000 people took the quiz making it on of the most popular videos on CNN last weekend.

So do you consider yourself a real car guy or a car gal?

Can you tell the make and model of a car just by seeing the taillight at night or the headlights in your review mirror.

This is your chance to prove to all just how much you know about cars.

Click play on the video below and test yourself to see if you can really tell a car just by the exhaust note.

All you have to do is watch the video and listen to the car's exhaust and within about 10 seconds identify the car.

Sound easy doesn't it?

Try it for yourself and see if you are a real car guy or gal.

Follow on twitter @TFLcar or watch latest car review videos on YouTube.