Hyundai and The Flaming Lips rock the Super Bowl XLVII with an Epic Playdate commercial

flaming lips
Photo via Flaming Lips… because they’re cool – and so are you.

The Flaming Lips and Hyundai together? The Flaming Lips and Hyundai together in a family-friendly, down-to-earth, 2013 Santa Fe commercial? Yep, it’s official – the snow falls on the River Styx. Super Bowl XLVII ads are blowing up all over the internet, but this one looks like one of the favorites for Generation X. I kind of dig it and so will many of you.

For those of you who remember albums like, Telepathic Surgery or Transmissions from the Satellite Heart – you might not dig the groove that The Flaming Lips lay on us during this 102 second Super Bowl ad.  On the other hand, Sun Blows up Today is a fun little ditty.

So, without further delay, here’s “Epic Playdate”

Dude, what’s next?

Mötley Crüe pimping for KIA?

… oh wait.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with The Flaming Lips, I highly suggest their albums The Soft Bulletin and Clouds Taste Metallic which should give you an interesting overview of two phases of The Flaming Lips.

According to Rolling Stone Magazing: “The weirder, jokier and more indulgent the Flaming Lips get, the more their fans seem to love them. With their whimsical tunes about astral phenomena and spider bites, Merry Prankster-style stage antics, and a frontman with a voice that evokes Neil Young on nitrous oxide, the Oklahoma City band managed to build a cult following that exploded into something bigger in the late Nineties and 2000s.”
